Try these practical ideas to help you enjoy and understand Auchtavan.
- Create stories and characters depicting life in Auchtavan in the 19th century.
- Explore the place names of the local area and research their origins.
- Research the tales and legends of the surrounding area and what they tell us about life around Auchtavan.
- Measure the remains of the buildings and draw scale plans of the site.
- Research meteorological records and construct diagrams to illustrate temperature and rainfall throughout the year.
- Devise methods of estimating distances to and heights of nearby hilltops.
- Calculate the areas covered by fields on adjacent farms.
- Research and graph changes in the local population over the years.
Social Subjects
- Create a scale map of the local area.
- Explore the soil types and climate of the area and suggest appropriate agricultural use.
- Research the social structures of those living at Auchtavan in the 18th and 19th centuries.
- Research the impact of the Jacobite rebellions on the local area.
- Research the impact of the Highland Clearances on the local area.
- Research the development and impact of the modern estates on life in the local area.
- Research the transport systems of the area.
- Set up and use a weather station at the site to monitor conditions over a period of time.
- Map out readings of soil temperature, pH and water content.
- Research the plant, insect, animal and bird life in the area.
- Explore the construction of the main building.
- Create a three-dimensional scale model of the site.
- Explore the engineering and operation of the horse mill.
Expressive Arts
- Create a picture, story or play depicting life at Auctavan.
- Photograph the area and create a montage.
- Create a virtual tour of the site using video, music and commentary.
- Research the music and songs of the area.
Health & Wellbeing
- Research the diets of people living at Auchtavan in the 19th century.
- Research and try to recreate cooking methods and typical meals from the 19th century.
- Research the energy needed by people to live and travel in the area in the 19th century.
Religious and Moral Education
- Research the development of religious worship in the area.
- Explore local churches.
- Explore local graveyards and trace local family groups.